Sunday, 13 September 2020

The Crystal Love from Mrs B

Well its 2020, and don't we know it!  I apologise that I've been pretty absent, and there's been no new blogs for an age.  The blog hiatus has been for many reasons, but primarily because we've all been quite busy with a pandemic, which I've worked all the way through, and there's been some busy-ness in my mind, some growth and some challenges.  And no, none of it included Herbalife!

So today I thought I'd tell you about some of the life shifts over here, and to talk about crystals, where my love comes from and what I'm doing!  

So here goes... Since I was around 9 or 10, I have been gifted stones.  No idea where from, they just appear in random places.  I've even come home and pulled back my duvet and found a stone in the middle of my bed.  The stones are all different shapes, sizes and are left pretty much anywhere. Some I've found in the bottom of my handbag, on my kitchen side, in my bed - as I say, just about anywhere.  It's been a mystery for years.  Usually when I'm left a stone, it is after 'losing' something.  Now, I say losing with inverted commas, it is because I didn't really lose things, things just disappear into thin air!  All manner of things have been 'lost' along the way, NI card, keys, clippers, and many more random things.  My mum didn't believe me for ages, until it happened in front of her very eyes with no other explanation!

We've had a bit of a theory of these lost things and found stones, and that these are left by a member of my family who has passed.  When my Great Nan was dying, she promised my Mum she would show her there was such thing as the afterlife, and well, Mum has still has not had any proof from her.  So we wonder if this is Mum's proof, and she shows me instead.  I did take one of my stones to see a medium and all she could tell me was that it had a female energy.  So it is still a possibility and one that I truly believe.  I do now know though, if I find a stone - to treasure it and that I've lost something!

Fast forward many years and in 2018, the day before the 6th anniversary of my Nan's death, on the short walk home from Mum's, I found a stone!  It was literally in the middle of my path, there was no missing it.  It wasn't there when I walked down to Mum's around 10 minutes previously, and there was no one else around - our road isn't one that is filled with pedestrians at any time.  Now this stone was special, it was one of those painted stones that people hide and this one had come all the way from Milton Keynes!  Painted on the stone is a Fuchsia, and Fuchsia's are the flowers that always remind me of my Nan, I even have a cutting from Nan's garden, growing here with me in my garden. 

We loved this stone and the way it made me feel and the kindness set behind it, so Mum and I set up a group and decorated and hid some stones ourselves!  The Horndean group is here. but also check in your area on facebook and I'm sure you'll find one.  Grab some stones, paint them, then go hide them!  Go searching for stones, find them, photo and post them on fb and then hide them somewhere else.  I have kept this one, but I found the owner through the group and she gave me permission and said it was obviously meant for me in my time of need.  We all have great fun doing this and Mum has said a few times, you find a stone when you really need it; to make you smile, to remind you of something or to bring comfort.

Fast forward another year, and I went along to a workshop by Jeannie at Solecare  and my love for crystals was solidly founded.  My step daughter bought me a couple of crystals for Christmas to help with specific things and away I was!  I feel about crystals in the same way as I do about stones, and I truly believe the stones were my introduction.  Crystals are minerals formed underground, their characteristics depend on the type and condition in which they grow.  We are all made up of energy and crystals all have solid unwavering energy and a memory due to their repeating chemical structure.  When we hold crystals, a transfer of energies occur and the frequency in our bodies change.  Crystals have been used throughout all of history as a source of healing power and they can affect mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of ourselves; simply put - these energetic exchanges can be used to shift physical and emotional states. The differing frequencies associated with certain crystals can achieve different benefits. How blumming exciting is this!

Now, I'm at the beginning of my journey with crystals, and have signed up for a course in crystal healing, so do expect to hear more!  I am loving discovering more and playing more and crystals really are busy changing my life.  For now, I'm happy picking crystals, gifting crystals, wearing crystals, decorating with crystals, cluttering up our house with crystals, meditating with crystals and oohing and aahing over pretty crystals!  

I’ll keep you posted! 

TTFN, Sammy xx

Ps.... I have had a text from my best friend and she sent me a picture of a little tin I'd given her, which was full of little Rose Quartz chips, about 20 years ago!  So obviously my love has always been in there, just repressed a little maybe! 

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