Monday, 14 January 2019

Happy New Year 2019

New Year’s Resolutions So it’s been a while! I have missed writing, but I don’t seem to have had the time since I started at my current job. So I thought the best place to start would be new year. I do love a new year’s resolution, but I’m not a fan of giving things up. I could say the usual, lose weight, exercise more etc but how boring is that. So I’m looking at things I want to change really, and change for the better, and there’s things I want to do more of, rather than less! So here we go....

Read more – I used to be an avid reader. My Nan died and it just sort of stopped. I know I’ve spoken about this before, and I did start reading again but it’s still nowhere near it used to be. So I’ve just two book clubs locally (let me know if you’re local and would like the details) and one online (again, happy to share). So far I’ve read most of the books, but not been to the actual meetings so that is incorporated in this resolution too. I have set myself a challenge for books in 2019. I’m not sure if I’ll reach it, but I’m going to give it a good go and it is pushing me to read more definitely! 

Less plastic – I have a few friends who have done plastic free months and I think it’s about time we gave it a go too. There has been much publication around the plastic crisis and the statistics are photos are shocking. I’m not sure if I can make much of a difference, but it is a start. I will write a separate blog on what we’ve been doing so far and any suggestions are most welcome! 

Less food waste – Mr. B and I are terrible at this, we shop well and throw well too! So we’re back on the menu planning, buying only what we need and actually using leftovers. The freezer tends to house lots of leftovers and then months later we throw them, so it’s incorporating those meals in our menu plans too. So far so good.... left over roast dinner from yesterday for lunch today! 

Less booze – An obvious one I know, but after all the indulgence at Christmas and for my health it is one I’m keen to stick to. I’m not doing dry January, but I’m going booze free at least during the week. 

Move more – Yes this is a little, you should exercise more, but I’m going at it with a slightly different angle. I’ve joined Red January, I’ve joined Race at your Pace and I’m looking to get outside more to exercise for my mental wellbeing. I will blog some more about the both of these too, I promise! 

Save more – So I’ve started this a few times, but am determined to do it this year. The penny challenge. So saving 1p on the first day, 2p on the second day upto £3.65 on the last day of the day. Now this may be a tall order for some and indeed for me, so I’m switching it up a little. I have the amounts written out and depending on how flush I am, save that amount each day. So on 1st Jan I saved £3.65 on the 2nd of Jan I save 3p and so on. I don’t do this in a jar with small change as I never have any cash, so I simply move it into a savings account that I have named ‘pennies account’, I’ll keep you posted on my progress. The other thing I do, is at the end of the day, move over any loose change into my penny account. So I log into my online banking and if my balance is £30.24, I move the 24p across also. I’m hoping this will give me a great start on Christmas or save towards something nice for next year. 

I think that’s about it for me, how about you guys? What are your plans and would you like to share? TTFN, Mrs B x

1 comment:

  1. Great to read a blog from you again Sammy, it’s been so long.....
    Yes I am also planning more reading and succeeding and enjoying so I am with you on this one. Just about to start the tattooist of aushwitz which I think is on your list too?
    Less plastic, this one is a constant battle and your Facebook posts have given me some new ideas so I guess every little helps.
    Less food waste. Well we are not dieting but are trying to eat healthier and planning more meals from scratch as we defo got a bit sloppy over this recently.
    Less booze, like you no dry January but aiming for, and so far managing, booze free week nights.
    Move more. I have cancelled my gym membership because I hate it and to save the monthly money and am now walking at least 2miles and sometimes 4 times a week, having free exercise and fresh air and exploring new routes. Approx twice a week the OH even comes with me!
    Save more. Well I have set up a standing order to a savings account for 5e gym membership plus a bit more but hadn’t thought of the odd sum at end of each day so I might try that too.
    So that’s my updates on your good ideas and here are the ones I am actually trying to.
    1. Trying not to waste money by buying stuff that I don’t actually need, eg clothes.
    2. Trying not to buy presents for birthdays, Christmas etc that are thoughtless, pointless and unnecessary. Trying to spend less in money and more time in thought. Trying to get my friends and family to think about not just buying me stuff without sounding ungrateful or mean. This is currently tougher than I though and I need to think more about it.
    3. Trying to think before I open my big mouth. Too often I hurt people by not thinking before I speak. Hard to break habits of so many years but have had some small positives.
    4.Trying not to be so hard on myself but to be kinder to me too. I am not good at this and need more practice.

    So that’s my thoughts for 2019 and thank you for the ideas.
