Sunday, 24 January 2016

Pastures new!

So... I'm changing jobs again!  I know, I know, looking back at my Time Hop app thingy apparently it's quite a trend, new year - new job!  So here's hoping this one carries some kind of longevity.

I do love the job I do currently, the prople I work with are amazing, the team work is outstanding - but the company’s a-changing.  This might not be for the worst, and it certainly isn’t why I’m jumping ship, but it is a factor I guess. 

The couple who owned the company when I started, sold it to their biggest rival and with the two powers merged, ultimately it should be a force to be reckoned with in the industry - once all the changes are completed, the new policies and procedures are embedded and the staff are settled.  But for me theres been a shift and I can’t really explain what that shift is completely, but it’s not one I’m comfortable with 100%.  And hey, you know me – if it isn’t right I’m an impulsive risk taker – and I’m off!


I guess part of the shift I’m not entirely comfortable with, is the purpose of the company and how it is presented.  With the couple that owned the company previously, I never felt like we did this just to make them money.  They worked with us, they were involved in the business on a ground level, they said good morning to every single person in the office and would help in every way they can.  They were always around, always approachable, laughed and cried with us and rewarded their staff in the most amazing ways – prosecco and pastry breakfasts, yoga at lunch and so on…  


The new management just aren’t like that.  They come to work every day in a different brand new super expensive car, are very show offy and just don’t speak to the little people.  Now I’m not saying I need to be mollycoddled, because I certainly never have been in any other job.  I don’t insist a manager says hello to me every morning, but I also don’t think anyone should be above a polite and courteous nod.  

Strip the fluffyness away from this job and I come to work, work hard day in and day out all to make a profit for a person who then spunks it up the wall on cars, well very materialistic things (my opinion solely – he could do a lot for charity who knows!)  There is nothing invested back in to the community from the company, I don’t do anything that makes a difference to anyones lives (other than the boss) and that just doesn’t make me happy I guess.  

I could ignore it and keep going, but you only get time once.  If I waste that time making the rich guys richer and not even enjoying it, when I could be making a small difference somewhere else, then I’m picking somewhere else!

No, it is no different to how the company was run before, but I guess I felt more ok with it then.  It wasn’t rubbed in my face that the whole reason I was there is to make money for a little man at the top.


So I’m off to work for a company with a social purpose, no shareholders and their profits are ploughed back in to building houses for those in need, sustaining communities and regenerating neighbourhoods.  It may not be the same as volunteering with the homeless or animals and making a real grass roots difference, but it’s a start and one I’m happy to start with. 


New day, new week, new start.


I’ll keep you posted, Sammy xx


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