Saturday, 21 November 2015

The Rucksack Project Event 21st November 2015

Portsmouth Evening News

That's Solent TV

Well what can I say?.... It's been bluddy amazing!

Thank you all so much! Your donations and kindness is just truly amazing!  A whole community pulling together and doing a fabulous job.
The families, the children, the support, the Cubs, the brownies, the volunteers, the organisers.... Just wow! 
3,500 rucksacks - not to mention the food, clothes, toiletries.  All donated and straight out to our charities, organisations and shelters.  So many grateful recipients ranging the whole of Hampshire and further afield where possible.
A special mention to our ladies from Tesco, all day they were with us working tirelessly, making up rucksacks with misc items handed in, trawling through donations and just keeping everything running so smoothly.

Another special mention to the Portsmouth and Southsea Round Table - kept the traffic flowing, carried and lugged bags, items, helped in everyway they could and relieved people of donations who didn't want to come all the way down to or into the centre.
All of the volunteers were just amazing, manning the raffle, manning the vintage tea stand, helping transport rucksacks, handing out leaflets, everything you did - it couldn't have been done without you. 
The participating charities and organisations who all gave their time to talk to people about their charities, the work they do and of course mucked in and helped out while they were here, as well as transporting all the items back to their services. 

We had some very special guests today too!
Donna Jones leader PCC and family
HMS Westminster

And of course, Joanne and The Portsmouth Watersports Centre - none of this could happen without you! Joanne is the most enthusiastic and passionate person I've ever met, she is a force to be reckoned with and I'm so pleased to call her a friend.
(Photo from the Watersports Facebook page)

Sorry this was going to be a super short post with some pics... Oops! Here's the pics anyways!! 

Much love Portsmouth - you are amazing - all of you!! 
If I've missed you it's not been intentional, I apologise - I get a bit carried away and leave things out! If you have other pics you'd like me to post, please send them this way - I didn't get chance to take many!xx

#wearetherucksackproject #weareportsmouth #community #rucksackproject2015 #soproud #teamrucksack  #itsnicetobenice


  1. Brilliantly organised event. Glad to be a tiny part of it. Here is my entry about my experience on my own blog

    Hope to be back next year if it's happening, nagging friends and family to get a rucksack together

  2. Brilliant! Thank you for your donation and for stopping by and leaving a comment x
