Wednesday, 1 January 2014

14 Things I'd like to achieve in 2014...

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had fun celebrating how you wanted to last night. I saw the new year in with my Mr. B, my Mum, Dad, Sister, Brother in law and neice and nephew whilst drinking prosseco! We listened to the charms of Big Ben, we raced outside with our pots and pans - we created loads of noise in our street and watched the fireworks displays around us. We all had a kiss, lit some sparklers and wished everyone Happy New Year. We pootled back indoors, shared a hug and a few tears, watched the spectacular fireworks over London and toasted the new year.

As I've said, I'm not into the whole 'last year was rubbish, this year will be better' motto. No year is rubbish for everyone, what might have been trying for one could've been fabulous for someone else.  The year we lost Nanny and Lyn was the year my neice and my cousins little boy was born, even if the years been bad, something positive somewhere has happened, I promise.

So, 2014... What will it bring? I know this year I'm not going to wait for the year to bring me change/achievements/happiness, I'm going to try my best to go out and get it! I'm not leaving anything to chance, I'm going to make the plans to achieve the things I want to. 

If you're not bored by now, do read on!

With it being 2014, I've thought long and hard about what 14 things I would like to achieve.  Do sit comfortably, it's going to be another long one - sorry! Normal service will resume shortly!

*Number 1* Send birthday cards... And on time!
A year or so maybe two ago, my New Years resolution was to send birthday cards to all my family and friends, just to let them I'm thinking of them and I love them very much. I did ok ish, but I need to get the on time bit right ha!

*Number 2* Walk the dog more
With us both at work full time, my mum kindly walks Jarvis during the day for us. This is fab, but also means I become quite complacent. Because I know he's been for a good run, I do tend to get in and not take him out. Well he's a cocker spaniel and can take as much exercise as one can throw at him.  So I would like to achieve walking the dog at least 5 times a week, even if it's just round the block!

*Number 3* Finish more projects
I like to start things..... And not finish them! They need to be finished before I start something else surely! Either that or get rid of all these crafty boxy type things hanging about with half started things in!!

*Number 4* Shop better and cook more
I'm rubbish at both. I can cook, I don't like to cook, therefore I don't! I leave it to Mr B or have egg on toast or blow up ding meals. This needs to stop! I want to shop better, use things more frugally and cook healthy meals.

*Number 5* Exercise
As I said before, I've found an exercise class I love but for one reason or another neglected to go most of Nov and Dec. So I would like to achieve attending Zumba twice a week without fail. Any day - there's loads to choose from, but just get off my arse and go!

*Number 6* Weight Watchers certificate
I want one! Any one! I'd love a 50lb cert, but baby steps all the way! 

*Number 7* Moonlight Memories Walk
A few years ago, I completed the Moonlight Memories walk for The Rowans Hospice, raising essential funds for this service. I have done the 12 mile walk twice now.  One of my lovely friends lost her young husband (41) to a devastating diagnosis of brain cancer at the beginning of December, after just 15 days of him being diagnosed. In her words, The Rowans were amazing, there was nothing they wouldn't do to help or support you, they made Jason's last few days as comfortable for him and his family as possible,  This year I want to raise as much money as I can for them to support the stirling and downright amazing work they do.  Do check them out here... and check out their Facebook page as well.

*Number 8* Read more books
I'm not sure what it is, but since we lost Nan I cannot get engrossed in a book. I have read a couple I had already read, easy readers, but two new ones I've started I just can't finish. So I'm going to stop buying trashy mags and get down to some reading. My beautiful sister bought me a new book for Xmas, so I'm going to start with that one!

*Number 9* Race for Life
I have taken part in this a few times, I want to take part again. I may even want to run it (hides face while everyone laughs at my ability to run and lack of ability to not fall over when sober and walking!) is 2014 the year to run? Watch this space...

*Number 10* Grow some veg
I had a bit of a year off last year, so time to get my mojo back and grow some fresh produce!  My beautiful Mum us my inspiration after seeing her lovely crops last year.

*Number 11* Manage my time better
God help me!

*Number 12* Cut down on booze
See comment under number 11! I am having a month off the wet stuff in Jan, that should kick start my cutting back after a boozy Xmas, new year, weekends, any day ending in Y.

*Number 13* Manage our money better
Not sure where to start, but shopping wisely and being more frugal should help for sure!

*Number 14* Make more of an effort with everything
More tea with friends, more effort in the housework, more effort making and sticking to plans, more effort with everything!

Well that's it, hope your bum isn't too numb! This is Mrs. B's approach to a New Years resolution. Wish me luck!

I'll keep you posted, TTFN, Sammy xxx

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