Thursday, 5 December 2013

The horrors....

Oh dear, life is very stressful at the moment to say the least! 

We’ve had a very expensive few months of dented cars to pay for, open heart surgery on a van to pay for, an unexpected tax bill to pay for and a looming Christmas and New Year to get through.  (As anyone who is self employed in the building trade will know that Dec and Jan are not favourable months for income!)  And it has left me with the most awful black horrors of ‘I can’t cope I need to go to bed, ignore everyone and stay there!’ that I just cannot snap out of.

Needless to say the ol’ diet, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal is suffering also, although I'll measure the damage at weigh in on Saturday  Although 3 separate people in the last week have commented that I look like I've lost some weight, so at least that is not a bad thing!  My WW leader did suggest I take the dog for a walk up a big hill and then scream my lungs out when I got to the top, to release some stress.  So if you hear someone wailing like a banshee from the top of Butser, don’t worry – tis just me and Jarvis out on a wintery walk!!

I am in total bah humbug mode and actually considering not putting any decorations up this year(!).  I appear to be running out of time (I know it is only 5thDecember!) with lots to do and no time to do it in.  The Christmas puds have already been forgone this year and we’ve bought one for Christmas day, but I have been making some other bits and pieces including Christmas cards.  I just haven’t got round to doing anything other than making them and putting them in a box though!  I did receive my first Christmas card yesterday which has sent me in to an even blinder state of panic that I have only thought about mine and not written a single one yet, but I should try and remember to keep calm there are a whole 20 days to go!

In the middle of all my moaning and having a bad day rubbish, I found out some terrible news about a friend.  Terrible news that reminded me that in more ways than one that moaning about menial rubbish is worthless.  There is always someone somewhere out there worse off than you with a much more positive attitude.  Who cares if the van is broke and cost more than two mortgage payments to fix, at least Barney is still here and able to drive it.  Be grateful for what you have, even if it is for one small thing you have, while everything else around you is falling apart.  Be grateful for your health, your friends and your family and you will be the richest person in the land.

Today is my God Daughters 11th birthday and we are off out to celebrate for a meal tonight - having lovely friends, being a god mother and getting to celebrate with them all; I am very thankful.  The rest of the weekend I have a plan of how to get through it and what I'm going to do and when, just to keep me sane - for the ability to plan I am very thankful.

Shannon (my god daughter) and I on my wedding day, 8 years ago!!

So this is me…. begone black horrors, I simply don’t have time for you.  There is far too many good things in life that outweigh the bad every time.

Do have a think (if you have time of course and its not going to stress you out like me!) what you are thankful / grateful for, I promise it will make you feel a bit better and able to cope with the next five minutes at least.

TTFN, Sammy xxx 

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