Monday, 19 August 2013

Exercise is the answer!

Well Zumba.... Let me tell you.... I LOVED it! 

I have the grace of a baby elephant, the co-ordination of a 3 legged giraffe and I am as stiff as a post with no flexibility at all!  But I gave it a go and I loved it.  I dragged my two friends along with me and they loved it too.  The instructor is very lovely, talked us through it all at the beginning, we managed to remember the main principles - breathe, smile, keep moving even if you don't know the steps and have fun - and that we did.
Lots of people knew what they were doing, had the routines down and were quite confident looking, but Donna the instructor, kept us all on our toes and working hard.  We had options for jumping around like a crazy person, or keeping it lower for us new beginners - we of course did a mixture of both!  I loved that Donna rotated the rows of people, so no hiding at the back for anyone!.  After every song, the front row moved to the back and the back rows closer to the front, so you got your spot at the front - which for me is quite important, I'm as blind as a bat!

We were all knackered afterwards, certainly a good work out all round and I was at home, showered, eaten and in bed by 10pm - something that never happens!

If you do fancy it, do check out Donna's web page with all her local classes listed on here....

After Zumba, I was inspired to pick up some more exercise, so went along to aqua aerobics on Thursday with a friend.  We used to do aqua every Thursday without fail, so thought I knew what I was letting myself in for and knew I would whole heartedly enjoy it.  Well I couldn't have been more wrong!  No actual aerobic exercise as such, no warm up, lots of work trying to keep an extremely bouyant float under the water for an hour and doing some pushing and pulling motions, a 45 second stretch and cool down at the end and a very unhappy Mrs B.  Four days later and all the muscles in my back, neck and shoulders are still killing me, I feel like I have done myself a real mischief.  It certainly wasn't worth the £6.20 I paid for it and I will not be going again.  I much rather wished I'd done a second Zumba session instead, and is certainly what I might do this week, and it is cheaper as well!

Well weigh in was Saturday and I'm 4.5lb down woo hoo! So Weight Watchers does work when you actually do it, and I do think the exercise definitely helped!  So World watch out.... I'm going back to Zumba tonight!

TTFN.... Sammy xx

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