16. Visit Stonehenge
So if you’re going to visit Stonehenge, when better to go than with 6,000 other fabulous people and watch the sunrise on the Summer Solstice!
My soul sister, Jeannie at Sole Care Healing suggested this visit at the beginning of the year, I knew I was fully in! Jeannie is a very special friend, with some very encouraging ways 😉 but no encouragement needed for this! We were also joined by our moon sister Abbey for the ride.
We left at 1am ish, no real sleep, although I did go to bed for an hour! We had some closed motorways to deal with, but we were finally on the way!
We got to the stones as it was still dark and the moon was high in the sky. The feeling and the energy was unreal. We were able to go right up to the stones and go within the inner circle and it was magical!
We met up with two of Jeannie’s friends, who were also visiting and settled in to watch the sky, the sun and soak in the atmosphere.
It was a tad foggy, but the sun did put in an appearance and the party atmosphere continued! We went for a wonder around the stones, touched them, felt the energy (boy did we feel the energy!) and really soaked it all in.
Yes we did have our capes and crowns on! A girl’s gotta keep warm somehow!
All too soon it was time to make the way back to the car, ready to grab breakfast on the way home. It was such a wonderful morning, such an experience and I loved every minute of it. I can’t wait to go back…. In a few weeks 😉
TTFN, Sammy xx