Monday, 31 January 2022

Mrs. B Challenge 40 - 19 - Complete a paint by numbers

Challenge number 11.

19 - Complete a paint by numbers.

So this hit the list as I’m always looking for something to do to quiet my mind, and be creative!  My Mum has done some of the most brilliant paint by numbers and I love them and she loves doing them - so she inspired me in this. 

I got my lovely picture for Christmas, I think it was from Hobbycraft but I can’t remember!

I waited for a few weeks after Christmas and the opportunity arose for some absolute free time over a weekend. So I got started, and I…… absolutely hated it!! 

I didn’t realise I would need to mix my own colours, my paintbrush was rubbish (I know!) I couldn’t stay in the lines, and quite frankly after my first attempt - I wanted to Chuck it!

But I ploughed on through! It did become ‘that bloody paint by numbers’ for a while, but I’m proud to have finished it!

So in conclusion…. Paint by numbers is not for me! I’ll stick to colouring!!!

Onto the next challenge, I’ll keep you posted!

TTFN, Sammy x

Mrs. B Challenge 40 - 37 - Watch a horror film at the cinema

Challenge number 10.

37. Watch a horror film at the cinema.

Now this doesn’t sound like much of a challenge, but I hate scary films, so this is a challenge for me!  When the new Scream film was released I knew this would be the one.  I remember watching the original in the 90’s with my school friends, so what better way to complete this challenge than with those very same friends!

These are the friends seeing me through this list, encouraging me, spurring me on and who are with me for life - I’m so grateful for them. In actual fact we all have lists, so hopefully I’m helping them tick some things off theirs too! 

So tonight, we laughed, jumped, hid our eyes and thoroughly enjoyed our night out together on a school night.

No spoilers on the film here though!

More to come…. I’ll keep you posted!

TTFN, Sammy xx