Challenge 18.
4 - Wild Water / Cold Water Swimming
We started this last year, around June I think, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do but never really found the time or the inclination! Have always wanted to join the cold water dip on Christmas or New Year’s Day but never quite got there!
I was given a nudge in the right direction by my lovely step daughter who also wanted to try and my friend who dips regularly. Kat runs a breath work, meditation and cold water dip session once a month, you can find Kat
here and she goes all manner of other wonderous things!

Lauren and I went along to Kat’s class and it was fabulous and we’ve been hooked ever since.
We dip once a week usually and attend Kat’s class whenever we can (including uh the pouring rain at times!)

We have dipped all through the year, including January! We did have most of Feb and March off due to sickness and holiday, but we got back on it in earnest in April.

May this year, we invited more family and friends to join us and founded our own small group, the ‘Frozen Fannies’! We have still been meeting most weeks and I just love a dip in the sea. I will also drag anyone in that I can with me and my best friend and niece have joined me too!
Currently the water is around 18 degrees, so it’s not classed as cold water swimming, but rest assured we have definitely endured the temperatures below 15 degrees which make it a cold water swim!
This is definitely a challenge I will keep up and funnily enough, I’m actually craving the cold water at the moment, the warm is nice - but I like the shock!
TTFN, I’ll keep you posted!