Friday, 27 January 2017

Thank you Portsmouth!

Happy new year to you all!  I know the rucksack event feels like it was a lifetime ago now, but here are a few snippets of feedback I've received and thanks from a couple of the charities/services who took donations for their service users.

A massive thank you once again to everyone who took part, gave generous donations, helped on the day, shared and publicised the event for us – you‘re all amazing!

Here are a few quotes -

“I needed a new rucksack as mine had got torn and wet from sleeping rough”

“The rucksack I had was too small I was able to get a large one  from the Day Centre to fit my sleeping bag in. Much better than carrying it around in a black bin bag”

“The rucksack the Day Centre gave me was brand new Brilliant!”

“All my stuff got stolen when I left my tent. I was able to get a rucksack, clothing and a sleeping bag from the Day Centre”

“I got a rucksack for myself and my girlfriend; she liked hers is was pink with sequins , very girlie”

Feedback from Two Saints

Here is thanks from another organisation along with a picture.

Thank you so much for all the donations we picked up at the rucksack event.  It’s been a busy few weeks and thanks to your donations we have managed to support even more young people with coats, sleeping bags and rucksacks. I asked someone from the drop-in team to take a picture the next time they gave one out.  Thanks again!!!!

Feedback and photo from No Limits

What an amazing thing you all did - nothing went to waste and all have been appreciated!

TTFN, Sammy xx