Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Well this weekend saw the Race for Life events in Portsmouth/Southsea.  An annual event to raise money for Cancer Research, traditionally they're girls events, but more men and boys are allowed to take part these days.

My cousins beautiful wife has this year embarked on a personal challenge for her special birthday coming up - 40 for 40.  Katherine has pledged to race 40 miles before her 40th birthday in December, and the Portsmouth 10k Race for Life counted as 6 of those 40 miles.  I got drunk one family party and convinced my cousin and her sister in law that we should join Katherine and keep her company for this 10k. So before anyone could change their mind - I signed us all up, whoops!

Now whilst on holiday, (drunk again), I saw a status pop up on Facebook that my friend Traci was signed up for the 5k Pretty Muddy and she had no one to do it with as her friend couldn't make it, before you could say 'Sammy what about your bad back' I'd signed up to do it with her, whoops!

So this weekend saw those two events, two events I never thought I'd be able to complete one of let alone two! So thank you all girls, for pushing me, supporting me and encouraging me, we did it!
The Pretty Muddy.
We met up with my Step Daughter, Lauren and her sister Lynsey - at the beginning and the end. Traci and I completed the course in 1 hour and 15 mins ish including waiting time to go over the obstacles and it was such fun!

Next up was Sunday's 10k, in the wind and rain!
We were joined by my cousins little boy, Toby to race across the finish line! We managed the 10k in an hour and 48 mins! We got bluddy soaked!

All in all a great weekend and so so pleased I managed both events.  We've raised more than £500 for cancer research this weekend and that's certainly not to be sniffed at! 

Sadly on the way back to the car, I've somehow managed to damage my foot and I've been strapped up with ice ever since! I've been xrayed and they don't think it's broken, but possibly a stress fracture that won't show up for a few days until new bone regrowth! But definitely soft tissue damage, ligament and tendon problems. Only me!!
TTFN, Sammy xx