Sunday, 14 February 2016

100 Happy Days

Happy Valentines everyone! I hope you've been spoilt, celebrated the way you wanted, stuck two fingers up and got drunk with your girlfriends, whichever you've opted for - I just hope you're happy and have had fun.

I'm still struggling with the black horrors a little and am not really in to or up to anything much.  But I do know I need to snap out of it soon and least of all get some natural positivity back and busting some moves over here!

I've noticed on my time hop app thingy the '100 Happy Days' phase that took Instagram by storm, was a couple of years ago now.  Yes I'm sure some people got fed up with it, or thought it was rubbishy - but I think it was fab.  It specifically made me search for something that made me happy everyday. 

So that's what I propose to do - 100 happy days 2016.... Here we come - it's a start!  Going back to basics and hoping the rest will follow.

Today is day 1 and here is my first post...
#100happydays2016 #day1 Mr. B bought me a fabulous #TedBaker phone case for my lovely new phone. #lovehim #notvalentinesdaypresent

Do feel free to follow away on Instagram 'mrssammyb13' - see you over there!

TTFN, Sammy xx