Lots to say - so little time to say it in! I'll keep you posted xx All views and opinions my own, unless stated!
Saturday, 19 September 2015
Cubs Rough it for Rucksacks
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Rucksack recipients...
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Clanfield Cub Scouts
So as you all know by now, I'm involved in a community event called 'The Rucksack Project' in Portsmouth on 21st November at the Watersports Centre. We are very pleased to be able to say that the Clanfield Cub Scouts Group have decided to join in with the event this year and get involved with donating rucksacks.I approached the Cubs and discussed what we were trying to do. Instead of the Cubs just bringing items in to donate, Akela thought it would be a good idea to give the Cubs an understanding of what it's really like to sleep on the streets and raise money at the same time.The Cubs are going to be holding a sponsored event 'Cubs Rough it for Rucksacks' in order to buy items to make rucksacks. This is being held on 19th September, venue yet to be confirmed.The aim will be for the Cubs to spend a night sleeping under the stars, building a cardboard city to sleep in, but basically the Cubs and the elements! After the sleep out, as a group they will decide between them what they think would be best to go in a rucksack for the homeless and where to spend the money to get the most out of it.I'm so pleased the Cubs want to get involved, support the project and raise awareness of the plight of the homeless within the realms of learning. It's just bluddy amazing! I'm so so proud my nephew is going to be part of it all 😊I'll keep you posted!Sammy xxJust to recap in case you're new to the blog...The Rucksack Project is not a charitable organisation but more of a movement borne out of a simple idea to help the homeless. The official website address with more information is here... http://rucksackproject.orgThis is the third year running an event has been organised in Portsmouth, and this year I am taking part of the organisation. The event itself is on Facebook here...https://www.facebook.com/events/1480658705584548/ last year we had over 1500 rucksacks donated and the event was a great success.We will be collecting completed rucksacks, items to go in rucksacks and tins of food with ring pulls/packet food etc for the event, where they will be distributed to charities and homeless shelters in and around Portsmouth and the surrounding areas.The organisations benefitting from these items are -
Camrose Centre
Society of St James
Portsmouth Vineyard
United Reform Church
Family Church
St Simons
Central Point
Hope House (Salvation Army)
Family Welfare
Alabare ( Military Veterans)
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Changing perception of the homeless
D'you know, being part of The Rucksack Project event for the last few years has made me think and see things very differently.
Thinking about the event itself, even if you can't make a rucksack, even if you can't donate anything, if this raises awareness and makes you view a homeless person differently then it's been a success. Remember, they are people too, there can be many reasons they're sat on that cold floor in torrential rain, don't judge them, just have a heart. A smile, a handshake, a hug or just to acknowledge them could mean the world.
3 years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of sitting down with a homeless stranger for a chat - now my husbands used to it or days/nights out. He gets dragged along for the ride, and usually loses items of his clothing to my new friends!
In Brighton last year, it was a bitterly cold day and we'd gone for a day out of boozing, lunch, seeing a show. We stepped off the train and were confronted with a homeless chap, sat on the frozen floor freezing cold. I didn't have anything to give him, so I took my gloves off and gave then to him, he was so thankful and so pleased and put them straight on. Can you imagine going out on a freezing cold day and forgetting your gloves? You'd moan for a bit and get warmed up in the car or home wouldn't you? What if you had no home to go to get warm?
Our trip to Brighton lost us a few scarfs, hat, a few pairs of gloves and a couple of hot pasties and cups of tea. That's absolutely nothing really. It was no big deal for me, but to some of the people we met - we were the only people to even acknowledge them, let alone want to help in a tiny way.
Last weekend we met a chap at a bus shelter in Portsmouth, all I had to give was my last pack of tissues and some antibacterial hand gel - it was all I had in my handbag at that point in time but I'm willing to share. I learnt the guy was excited to be moving into a shared room on Friday and couldn't wait to have an address so he could finally get himself back in to work. I gave him a hug, Mr B a handshake and wished him all the luck in the world.
These people are humans too and sometimes go for days without anyone even seeing them. Just a hello could mean the world of difference.
So... Go! Be the nice people I know you are ❤️
Ps... We obviously exercise the same caution as you would meeting any strangers. You wouldn't just approach people you don't know in the dark, I'm not advocating you put yourself in any danger and do remember, some people may not want to talk to you! xx
Pps... Cold weather and visiting in a town centre, pack extra gloves and socks on the off chance of giving a useful gift xx