So I've been a bit quiet of late, apologies! WW has taken a bit of a backseat and I've been here there and everywhere - I'm a busy girl!
But I'm here to let you all know that The Rucksack Project event in Portsmouth is back!! And I'm very honoured to be helping with organising the event and getting involved.
I'm sure you're all aware of the project by now. If you're not go have a read.... there are also other blog posts I've written on the last 2 years events and you can catch up on them on my blog homepage.
Jo posted the event on Facebook a week or two ago and the response we've had so far has just been amazing!! 1300 people so far have pledged items/rucksacks/help and I'm just blown away. What an amazing community we live in!
November 21st is the date for your diary, you've loads of time to start collecting, add a few bits to your food shop weekly or to encourage others to get involved. Last year we had over 1500 rucksacks donated that went off to various shelters, organisations, refuges and charities - let's see if we can beat that this year!
If you want to join us the event is here...
I'll be writing more posts on this subject of course, and I can't wait to be part of something special this year.